Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Who Wore it Best?

In this month's issue of Wahh! magazine:

Who wore it best?

Abigail, or Amelia?

Eh, just kidding. I could never choose a "favorite," even if I wanted to. I just couldn't resist putting Mia in the outfit when I came across it while flipping through some of Abby's old clothes yesterday. For some reason, I had a clear memory of the above shot of Abby, and was inspired to recreate it.

I will say, it's impressively obvious (my accidental overexposure aside) just how much better a camera I have now than I did then, and I'm in love with the smile that I caught on Mia's face. All the more so because she's much tougher to coax a grin out of than her sister was at a similar age. In fact, that picture of Abby is one of only a few from her third month in which she's not smiling, mainly because she hadn't quite started doing so regularly just yet. She's two months plus a week in that photo, whereas Mia is two months plus two-and-a-half.

Abby was a little bigger at that point already, however. I distinctly remember the pants fitting her so tightly that I felt compelled to remove them right after I took her picture, and she -sadly- never wore them again. Having received it as a gift for her just days before we put it on, that picture was the first, and last, recorded wearing of that outfit for her en total (we did get a few more uses out of the onesie without the jeans).

It actually fits Mia pretty well, but now it's out of season. No worries, though. I now have a first-and-last-recorded-wearing shot for her too.

Plus a few more.

The natural light at mid-day was more than adequate, and would have been so fun to experiment with. If only I'd had the time, and Mia had had the patience. She was, at the very least, quite expressive in the short amount of time I had at my disposal.









As so often happens, though I took a number of pictures, I'm most partial to the very first (though the "happy" one is a close second). Those great big baby smiles- they get me every time.

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