Monday, June 17, 2013

(Belated) Mobile Moments, 6/10-6/16

This one's all about the gals (mostly).

Hanging out in the K'tan.

Daddy with the original "Mini-me."

Pretty in a pink hat.

Even prettier.

Precious in pink ruffles.

Goofy smile.

Trying to sit up. (Precocious in pink ruffles would have been more accurate.)

Testing out the Super Seat.

Of course, she's mainly interested in chewing on her dress.
Sibling curiosity. And love. But mainly curiosity.

Overheard this week:

Abby:  "Want more fries."
Tom: "You need to eat some chicken first."
Abby: "It's not chicken. It's a chicken nugget."

Yes, Abby- you're too right. And shame on us for falling back to fast food for dinner. Again.


Michael: "Mama. Kitty (hi-TI). Papa. Dada."

Our little boy is talking, folks! It's about time.