Sunday, June 30, 2013

Mobile Moments, 6/24-6/30

Looks like it's time to say goodbye to June, and hello to summer... Let the lazy days begin.

Bad teething day.
Showing off the boo-boos from her (imaginary) shots. Mia was the actual recipient and inspiration.

Abby shares her love of reading with Mia.

Mia feigns amusement. Clearly, she needs more practice.

Lonely Sunday morning.

Breakfast with Papa in NJ/looking so grown-up.

Abby's first "swim" (after a significant amount of coaxing).

Coming home.

Overheard this week:


"Mia's poop looks like guacamole. Mia's green poop has guacamole all over it. Abby's brown poop looks like sauce."  (Not the loveliest imagery, but you've gotta give her props for descriptiveness.)


Repeating after me as we read through a book about yellow objects: "Chick."


In response to several raspberries applied to her bare belly: "Heh. Heh. Eeehee!"

We have our first giggle, Folks (as of last night). Coming soon: the Belly Laugh.