Sunday, April 27, 2014

Mobile Moments, 4/21-4/26

We're a week past Easter and keepin' it real around here (when we're not accidentally locking ourselves in bedrooms). A long day and a late evening has left me short of words this week, so I'll skip right on to the pictures.

Optimizing Daddy time: reading and wrestling all at once.

Future architectural engineer.

Catching sunbeams...

... and "eating" the sun.

"Playing" block harmonicas.

All decked out in Daddy's shirt.

There's peaceful play when each child takes their own zone (though it seems that Abby's got her eye on Michael's).

Fighting through the post-Mass sleepies.

Succumbing to the afternoon errand-running sleepies.

Overheard this week:


In response to some small success that he enjoyed during playtime: "I'm happy for my little brother."

Between Tom and Abby

T: "Abby, you look so pretty."
A: "I know."


"Pear, please (peese), water (wawa), more, Mei Mei, Mima (Mema)"

