Friday, October 18, 2013

She Ruined Everything (In the nicest way)

It's Friday night. It's been a long week. Longer, even, than usual.

I'm really not up to this blogging thing right now, but I'll leave you with this anyway, because I can't not.

A little back-story before I share my own video: Tom and I discovered Jonathan Coulton many months before we even contemplated Abby, but his song, You Ruined Everything, immediately resonated with us once she arrived.

Many a time I've sung it to Abby, long before she could possibly have begun to understand where I was coming from as I fought back tears trying to do so.  However, she's come to know and love it and- finally- memorized all the words.

So it was that she and her father had a recent moment in which they sang it together, and I was so mesmerized that I didn't think to record it until the tail-end, but still. There it was: lovely, and wonderful. Two of my dearest loves, in a tender duet.

Happy Friday. Try not to leak too much on your keyboards out there.