Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Turning Heads at Two Months

It's late- too late- as usual, so I'll be heavy on photos and short on words.

Shouldn't be too great a loss, since tonight is all about the "month" pics, anyway. Here's our little Mia at two months (and one day).

I'm on my third round of this now, but I'm still left speechless at the rapid pace of these early changes. It's incredible the difference from one month to the next. She's definitely not a newborn anymore (even if she sleeps like one).

Still not a great fan of the camera, though.

She was blessedly patient through most of the snapping and flashing, but her expressions ranged from despondent...

... to bashful...

... to bored.

Somewhere in the middle, she got a little mutinous...

(and I got a little sloppy- went off auto without adjusting the white balance)

... but we quickly straightened things out.

This was the closest I got to a smile.

She's been smiling socially for over a week now, but nothing would coax one out of her this afternoon. In hindsight, I can't really blame her for her reluctance. She really had to poop, and was pretty uncomfortable by this point, a problem that she was finally able to solve (all over me and her) once the fun was over.

I'm probably starting to sound like a broken record on this point, but I also can't believe how many of her expressions channeled Abby's, particularly this one:

Though I have many personal memories of seeing "that face" on Abby, I could not for the life of me find any photographic evidence of it.

I did, however, find this picture of Abby from December 2010, when she was around the same age.

It's not the same expression, but it gives the same impression: my gals- they got attitude.