Monday, December 9, 2013

Three Under Three

I don't suppose I can claim to be a mom of three under three anymore, not when my oldest is over three years old. No, the correct description now is "mother of three kids, three and under." I can also proudly boast that Abigail has finally day potty-trained, which cuts my diaper duties down by just a bit (and gives me new, potty-emptying and cleaning ones, but I digress).

However, when I wrote a post about life with three babies for Jennifer at Outsmarted Mommy as part of her Motherhood Mondays series, that was the reality I was living. And, though those small aforementioned details have changed, the rest of my experience is crazy as ever.

Pop on by and have a read. You'll find it's never easy, but always worthwhile.

Motherhood Mondays: The Trouble With Three