In the middle of it all, a very special somebody turned four months old, and has been making it clear that she's ready to start putting those early, helpless days behind her.
Up to his usual mischief. |
Earning Curious George viewing time. |
Enjoying the latest issue of Ranger Rick, Jr. with Daddy. (Thanks again, cousin Rachel!) |
Michael's new favorite hat. |
Right at home amidst the mess. |
"Whoa. I have toes." |
Pallin' around with Piglet. |
Hanging with Aunt Ali. |
Cool like Auntie. |
In the swing of things. |
Whee! |
Smelly feet! |
Engrossed in a book. |
Synchronized reading. |
Overheard this week:
"Somebody took Uncle Joe's shoes. Was it me?"
Upon overhearing Tom's phone conversation when his sister checked in from the Delaware rest stop on her way home this evening: "No, they can't be in Delaware!" And, as I tried to assuage Abby by explaining the situation, "Aunt Ali and Uncle Joe can't need to go home!"
(No worries- her distress was quite brief and she perked up soon after, though I'm sure she'll be excited at the next opportunity to see them again.)
Conversations with Abby:
Abby: "Michael, say Mama."
Michael: "Mama."
Abby: "Michael, say kitty."
Michael: "Hit-tee."
Abby: "Wow, what a good job Michael- you said kitty! Michael, say Abby."
Michael: "Abby."
Abby: "Yay! Good job, Buddy."
(Holding a plastic spoon to her ear)
Abby: "I'm talking to someone."
Me: "Oh? Who are you talking to?"
Abby: "Nana."
Me: "Nana, huh? What does Nana say?"
Abby: "I'm going to bring you some new books."
Also, true to his pattern, Michael said one new word this week, though I can't for the life of me remember what it was (Bad Mommy!) and Abby managed to work the phrase "a whole bunch of things" into a sentence.
Lastly, be sure to revisit Tuesday's post, which I've updated to include Nana's best guess at the entire phone conversation that she had with Abby that day.