In the meantime, we've enjoyed one record-breaking night of sleep, courtesy of Mia: 8.5 hours straight on Friday night. (Her previous record was seven hours, from 3-10 am last Sunday morning. Random, right?) True to form, she did not repeat the feat a second night in a row, but tomorrow starts a new week; who knows what's in store?
For now, I'm waiting to see when she decides to stir from what was supposed to be her last nap at 6pm but has turned in to her first stretch of sleep for the night, instead. She's nothing if not unpredictable.
As I keep up my vigil, anticipating her inevitable waking, I present to you our Mobile Moments.
Playing Candy Land with Mima. |
Like father, like son. |
"Michael, where's the kitty? Can you say kitty?" |
A study in opposite hair growth patterns (Michael's is longest down center-back, Abby's: down behind her ears). |
Feeling patriotic. |
Lounging in the sleep sack. |
Looks like someone found the napkins... |
Daddy doubles as a climbing wall for affectionate little girls... |
... and their silly, copycat little brothers. |
Finally! Enough hair for a ponytail. |
Overheard this Week:
While watching me attempt to shave in the shower: "Mommy's cleaning her legs with a toothbrush."*
After I put her hair up in a ponytail for the first time: "I'm Mommy! My name is Mommy. I look like Mommy."
To me, during Mass in the Crying Room, after handing another child's toy back to her: "Am I allowed to share?"
Between Tom and Abby:
Tom: "Come on, Abby."
Abby: "Noooo. I don't want to come on."
Abby: "I want to watch Curious George."
Tom: "I don't think it's a good time right now, Sweetie."
Abby: "Trust me- I want Curious George!"
"More milk (moh mih), apple, night-night (nigh-nigh)"
"Heh heh heh heh heh..." (Her belly laugh is glorious.)
*That one was actually an oldie, but goodie, that I kept repeatedly forgetting to include. She actually said it about a month or two ago.