Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Silly Faces: The Sequel

Nana is feeling a bit under-the-weather, so Papa came in her stead to help me out while Tom went in to work today.

We elected to pick up some Panera for a quick dinner option that could be enjoyed before Papa had to be on his way. Leave it to Abby to find a creative use for the bag that the food came in.

She placed it on her head, herself, and declared it her toque (chef's hat).

She wasn't big on silly faces tonight, but I had to document her headgear, all the same.

That's not to say that she didn't have some more silliness up her sleeve, though. Shortly after I put the camera away, she began whining, writhing in her seat, and complaining that her tush hurt. Tom leaned over to see what the problem was.

Moments later, I saw him turn down the waistband of her pants and produce a fork from within. "Well, of course your tush hurt!" he exclaimed. "You put a fork down your pants!"

(Yes, that is the same shirt she was wearing last night. Not exactly a parenting win, I know, but honestly, she still gets her clothes changed more often that I do nowadays...)

And here are just a couple of shots of Michael that I couldn't help taking as he stared forlornly at Papa's final walk outside to the car. No worries, Little Buddy. You'll be seeing him again soon, I'm sure.


  1. How precious. :) I can't believe how big Michael is getting!!!

  2. I was thinking the same thing, Ashley! Those kids sure are growing.

  3. I was thinking the same thing, Ashley! Those kids sure are growing.

  4. They just never stop! It's so exciting and heartbreaking at the same time.
