Despite continuing to struggle a bit with that darned tooth, and missing a nap (due to our attendance at this morning's play date) Michael was in pretty good spirits today.
He was even still going strong a bit past his bedtime, enjoying some play time with Mei Mei, who stopped by for a visit after work.
He was particularly interested in her watch.
Though, he also took some time to ham it up for the camera.
If you look very closely at the above photo, you can just see the tip of that brand-new tooth poking out on the bottom (his left, your right).
By the way, that's formula in his eyelashes (above). The little stinker decided to pull an unfinished bottle out of his mouth and hold it upside-down over his face just before these pictures were taken. It dripped everywhere, including right down into his eye.
I can't decide which I love more on babies: gummy smiles, or smiles containing four (or less) teeth. Either way- adorable.
Those wide-eyed gazes, though. Almost too much to bear.